Sunday, September 26, 2010

Transformation: In which there is a hasty flight

I could feel her leaving, feel the energy behind her golden-glowing eyes fading faster with every moment, and my still heart was aching at the thought of losing her. I can't bear to think of whatever fate awaits her if that light slips away.

My skeletal gryphon shifted and twitched as I laid her quickly, but gently, over the saddle, praying silently that whatever was wrong, whatever had harmed her would release it's hold, that she would blink and sit up and scold me in her echoing voice for worrying about her as she so often did. But she didn't, and her eyes remained dim.

Not a sound, no movement at all and I had to fight the urge to yell or strike her, anything to get a response of some kind...

"Yrovi, I swear to the gods, if you don't come back from this, I will hunt your soul down and drag you back myself," I whispered, my voice strangely hoarse and angry and raw. It shouldn't even be possible to feel this way, to have this ache in my chest where my once-beating heart rests, feel the constriction around lungs that no longer need breath, but I do feel it... and it was more painful than the lashes from the Succubus demons they had been fighting, more painful than the fel-fire burns I bore, so painful, in fact, that I wanted to trade places with her, just to escape the alien emotions that were clouding my mind.

The rush of the wind as the undead gryphon took to the sky on bony wings calmed me. It was cooler in the air above the fiery peninsula, the wind less heavy with fire, and ash, and sand. Already a call had gone out to the others, a plea for aid, and they were coming. "Meet in Shattrath," Sebbat had said, his voice strong and sure over the communication stone they all carried. "Tyra and I shall meet you there to heal Yrovi of whatever is harming her."


Shattrath was quiet, the night sky overhead clear. It would be almost beautiful under any other circumstances, but I didn't notice as we glided in to land in the upper ring of the city. A large, horned cat stepped out of shadows and transformed into an even larger, horned tauren. He nodded a silent greeting, but I cared little for formalities when Yrovi was this ill. I pulled her down from the saddle and cradled her in my arms, armor and all.

"She's dying, Sebbat. She's dying again, and I can't stop it from happening."

((A quick explanation for this story: I server and faction switched Yrovi some time ago in order to have a level 80 character on the same server that my RL friend was on for access to gold, heirloom items, run throughs, etc. Because of this, I of course imagined how it would be explained in terms of RP or a story that fit the Warcraft universe, and Transformation started coming about. I'll be borrowing some famous NPCs from WoW, including A'dal and the one and only Chronormu (aka Chromie) of the Bronze flight, along with my interpretations of some old characters that belong to previous guildies of mine. Enjoy.))